Find out what's happening at your local library branch above. We also highlight some events across all the branches below.
Huntington Library hosts Just For Fun Wednesday each week from 3:00-5:00 pm. Join us for fun crafts and activities.
Bring a friend, or come make new friends at the Huntington Library Book Club meeting on October 13th at 2:00 pm.
Valentine Blocks, reversed St Patrick's Blocks
Green River Library/DMV Closed, January 1st and January 20th
We're starting a Lego Club at Ferron Library!Stop by the library to find out more.
In order to make room for new books, we're having a book sale! Come by and see if our discards can become your treasures.
Want to listen to or read books on your devices? Not sure where to start? Stop by with your device, and we will help!
Join us for computer gaming at the Huntington Library on Fridays from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.